Friday, July 15, 2016

Amplification for BCS Candidates

All of us in this world want to success in life. But success for many of us is a remote cry. The main reason is that many people do not want to take risks. But life is not a bed of roses. It is full of struggle, and consequent troubles and difficulties. These are to be overcome if we mean to be successful. In our attempt to face the difficulties we may meet failure. But that should not make us give up in despair We should instead, regard the initial failures and sufferings as the price of ultimate success. We should think of the daring of the discoverers and explorers of lands and the suffering they had to bear before success came to them. Where would we have got pearls from if divers had not ventured into the dangers under the sea? A general who is afraid of taking risks can never win any victory. Similarly, a person who is afraid of taking risks can`t win success in the straggle of life. But we be cautious at the same time we must not be rash or hasty. It is because hasty action is like taking a leap in the dark that generally ends In disaster.

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