Saturday, July 16, 2016

Amplification for BCS Candidates

5 The Hand that Rocks.

This proved refers to the influence of a mother on the future life of her child. The child will do in his future in the way in which it has been brought up by its mother. Childhood and boyhood are the most important period of a man`s life. The mind is like soft clay during this time and can be easily shaped into any from one pleases. Therefore, the training   that a person receives them take firm root in him and decides his future. And this training he get mostly from his mother, because he lives under her constant care during these periods. This is why the mother exercises the greatest influence in the formatting of her son`s character and in shaping his destiny. If the mother is good, the child also will grow up a good man. But if the mother is good, the child also will grow up a good man .But if the mother is bad, he is most likely to grow up, wicked too. Napoleon said it was his mother `s inspiration that led him to greatness. The mother of Iswarchandra was a living example of simplicity and kindness, and it was this that made the son also so great in these.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Amplification for BCS Candidates

All of us in this world want to success in life. But success for many of us is a remote cry. The main reason is that many people do not want to take risks. But life is not a bed of roses. It is full of struggle, and consequent troubles and difficulties. These are to be overcome if we mean to be successful. In our attempt to face the difficulties we may meet failure. But that should not make us give up in despair We should instead, regard the initial failures and sufferings as the price of ultimate success. We should think of the daring of the discoverers and explorers of lands and the suffering they had to bear before success came to them. Where would we have got pearls from if divers had not ventured into the dangers under the sea? A general who is afraid of taking risks can never win any victory. Similarly, a person who is afraid of taking risks can`t win success in the straggle of life. But we be cautious at the same time we must not be rash or hasty. It is because hasty action is like taking a leap in the dark that generally ends In disaster.

Amplification for BCS Candidates

3 PROSPERITY In Need Is A Friend Indeed.

Man is a social being . He lives in a society . So he wants persons and friends with whom  he can mix and  freely , exchanging thought and ideas, hopes and fears. But everybody with whom we mix and converse in not a friends in the true sense of the term. Some gather round us only is our prosperity for their self-interest . But whenever we are in trouble or difficulty, they desert us altogether. They are false friends and should be avoided by all means .The test of real friends comes only in misfortune. We may be taking to evil ways; a true friend will then try his best to correct us. Strong in his power of love, he will not hesitate even to rebuke us as strongly as elder brother.  But when we get into actual misfortune by disregarding his advice and rebuke, he will not desert us. He will , on the contrary, freely give us his advice and sympathy. He will not consider sacrifice too great to pull us out.



The implication of this proverb is not only an advice but a warning against taking any sort of rash decision and action. There are some people who are very impulsive  by nature. They work on the spur of moment without any consideration what may happen next. This is highly improper and results in failure and sufferings. A general, before he attacks the enemy, makes thorough enquirers about the strength and position of latter and compares them with his own. Failure to do this sure to result in defeat and may even end in disaster. Similar before we begin a house we think carefully about the cost and about where the materials are to be got from. Even if , we succeed in a work , this success will be worse than failure if it produces undesirable consequences. Far from finding joy in it, we shall regret it deeply. So, before we act we should carefully consider everything about the action.We must always remember that hasty action is taking a leap in the dark that generally defeats our desire.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Amplification for BCS Candidates

The underlying meaning of this wise saying is that as the morning predicts the nurture of the atmosphere of the day, the inner qualities of a man may also be understood in his childhood. If we analyses  the life history of a great man, we will realize the truth of this saying. Let us take up the  case of Swami Vivekananda. He was the most talked about personality of our age. He stands as a best example of this proverb. We have have heard many stories about his early childhood courage, his power of concentration, his fearlessness and above all his inquisitiveness to know the truth. There are also many stories about his reformist outlook even in his early life. His inquisitiveness led him of Ramakrishna , the greatest of all saint. Encouraged by this great master , he was determined to know India properly first and then to spread these voice of his master later.He went round the world defying impregnable barriers. His love for mankind knew no bound . Not being satisfied with preaching only, he founded Ramakrishna Mission. His love for mankind irrespective of their colour, creed or religion, was manifested in early life.