Thursday, August 25, 2016

A Fisherman

The man who catches fish to live is a fisherman. Generally a fisherman lives in a village near a river or a sea. He is hard working and painstaking. He uses nets and boats in fishing. Some fishermen have nets but no boats. Some who have boats and nets employ the boat less ones and work in a group. A fisherman is always at work. While at home he repairs his boats or nets and he paints his boats or dyes his nets. He catches fish in the seas, rivers, and beels. His women-folk make new nets; his children dry fishes in the sun and sell them in the market. He works hard all day and night. The life of a fisherman is very risky and challenging because there may have storms and cyclones at any time. Some fishermen go to fish at night; some go to fish in the deep water or in the sea from home for many days. When he catches a lot of fish,his joy knows no bounds. After all a fisherman does much good to us by supplying fishes.In spite of being hard working he can hardly make both ends meet. Government should take some steps for the development of minimum standard of their livelihood.

A Street Hawker

A man who sells various things by moving from street to street is a street hawker. He is a self-employed person. He is the familiar figure in the cities and towns. He raises a strange outcry to draw the attention of his customers .He wears a peculiar dress of different colours. He tries to attract the attention of the customers by using different tricks. He carries his goods either in bundles or in a basket. Sometimes he walks about with his goods on a wheeled platform. His customers are usually children and women. As they credulous they agree to pay whatever price he demands. So He does not like elderly men. He usually sells toys. Cosmetics, ready-made garments, daily necessaries, utensils and balloons of various colors and shapes. Children gather round him and woman hail him. He is a clever man. He goes out his moving shop when the elderly people are out on duty or business. He demands higher price for his things but he sells his things at a cheaper rate. However he is an expected person for some people. Although he works hard, his life is miserable. All most all the time he leads a subhuman life

A Garment Worker

Persons working in a garments factory are garments workers. An ordinary garments worker in our country leads very laborious life. His/her day starts very early in the morning and ends at about 10 p.m. She/he starts for working place at about 7 am. She/he is to pass a long way everyday to reach the factory. She/he goes to the factory on foot. Sometimes on the way to the destination, she /he is teased with slang words from various corners. He/she is to tolerate all bad comments. In the factory, he/she works in a congested room. There is no seat to sit upon. She eats the poor lunch with her colleagues in the factory. Almost everyday he/she takes his/her lunch from home. She is given a break for half an hour. Within this time she cannot take lunch from her house. She works in the factory for long hours till deep at night. She likes working in a factory rather than in a household. She is used to do over working. Though he/she gets very poor salary, she/he expends it very wisely. She/he leads very simple life. In a word, a major portion of national income depends upon his/her hard work. So he/she should have better opportunities in the factory and society to led better life.

Arsenic pollution

Arsenic pollution means arsenic contaminated water.  Of late arsenic pollution has become one of the most health hazards in Bangladesh. By drinking arsenic water ,people get the disease. Arsenic is a fatal poison. It has been deposited in that layer of the soil from here our tube-wells pump out water. As a result in most areas of Bangladesh tube-well water in contaminated with arsenic. Arsenic pollution has made the scarcity of drinking water acute though our country is water-rich. The irony of fate is that “water, water everywhere nor a drop to drink.” It is a hard nut to crack. Our ignorant people are drinking arsenic polluted water from tube wells and are human being affected by arsenicosis. Those who do not eat fish and vegetables are easily affected. Arsenic is such a poison that is damages all the vital organs ore after another resulting in the subsequent death o the sufferer. Arsenicosis has no remedy nor has it any antidote. Hence arsenic pollution demands utmost attention. An affected person should drink arsenic free water and take vitamins A,C,E to come round. Arsenic polluted water has been ter5med as the killing water. There has been world wide awareness of this problem. Aids from different corners are reaching. Deep tube wells rainwater, reservoirs, surface water treatment, etc may be the pragmatic measures to minimize the problem to a greatextent.

Dowry system

Dowry means property or money brought by a bride to her husband when they get married .Now a days the system of giving and taking dowry in marriage is more prevalent in Bangladesh. In Bangladesh this is seen to be major problem. In the Bangladeshi society this system is treated as a serious problem. Wife is inhumanly tortured and killed by her husband for dowry. Most of the parents are poor. They cannot keep up their word they give before marrying off their daughters. This leads to chaos and hellish unhappiness. However, the first thing to be done to stop this malpractice is to grow awareness among all. Movement against dowry system should declare right now. We cannot get ride of this social vice by taking social reformative works urgently

Mobile Phone

Mobile phone is an important medium of communication and correspondence, which helps intercommunication with the people in the shortest possible time. The use of mobile phone is more convenient than telephone call. The man who sends the message will have to pay the bill but the receiver can respond to the message without any payment.specilly businessmen and the serviceman are much benefited through the use of mobile phone. It is useful for the doctor, businessman and high officials. But it is also useful for the people who is shopping and supplying in valuable information in his house. Sometimes, the criminals are using this phone to maintain their society. By using the Mobile phone, the terrorists and criminals carry out their evil designs and commit crimes with much difficulty. In spite of this there is no better alternative to mobile phone .To make the latest civilization for communication and correspondence

Tree plantation

Tree plantation means the process of planting trees .Now a days it has become a social movement in our country. Trees are a great boon to us. They are related with our life and well-being. The boons and benefits derived from them are too many to count. Trees provide us shelter, food, fruits, firewood, timber and oxygen. We get vitamins from fruits. They prevent soil erosion, air pollution and floods. They also effectively prevent the spread of the desert and landslides. They are essential to maintain ecological balance and preservation of fauna. We all should plant and grow more and more trees and protect them. Social forestry should be taken on a large scale and trees should be grown all around where in space. Trees add to the beauty and quality of our life and living. We have to plant trees in every bare space of land, the sea beaches, the low –lying areas, the road sides should be brought under deforestation. We cannot think our existence without trees. People should grow more and more trees to improve our adverse situation. The result of tree plantation will be positive for human being in every sphere of life